Right to buy and right to acquire

Right to Buy (RTB)

As a Cobalt tenant, you may have the right to buy or acquire your home.

If you would like to find out if you are eligible to purchase your home, please get in touch with us to submit a request via:

If your request is successful, we will issue you with an application form and support you through the process.

There are a number of factors you need to consider before buying your home:

  • Unless you are able to pay in cash, you will need to agree a mortgage
  • You could face eviction if you do not maintain monthly mortgage repayments
  • Consider the costs of insurance and maintaining your home on top of your utility bills

Right to Acquire (RTA)

The Right to Acquire scheme can help you to buy your home at a discount. You can apply to buy your home through this scheme if you have been a public sector tenant for at least three years.

To find out more about the Right to Acquire scheme, please click here.