
Cobalt Housing is committed to improving performance in all areas of our business.

We measure, monitor and manage our performance to help us improve the services we provide to tenants.  We have a performance management framework, which details what our objectives and targets are and how our plans link together to achieve these.

The best way of monitoring our progress is to use very specific measures that describe what we are aiming to achieve – we call these our key performance indicators.  We also use these results to decide where we need to allocate more focus and resources, to address any issues or poor performance.

Our key performance indicators have been developed to reflect and measure our progress in achieving our five key strategic objectives, which are:

  • To be a well-run, effectively governed, successful social business
  • To provide quality, well-maintained homes that are fit for the future
  • To support people to create thriving communities
  • To deliver high quality services that meet our customers’ needs
  • To grow our business.

Cobalt Housing is a member of Housemark, a national benchmarking organisation.  Along with other Housing Associations, we submit our performance data and customer satisfaction data to Housemark, which allows us to compare our performance and learn from those who may be achieving better results.

Customer Satisfaction – we carry out several surveys throughout the year across a whole range of services to understand where customers tell us we are performing well and where we are not, so we can identify where we need to make improvements.

If you would like any further information, please contact:

Debbie Serefoglou | Customer Insight Manager |